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- The Future of Obesity Treatment
The Future of Obesity Treatment
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Om de carrière van Prof. Dr. J.W.M. Greve te vieren en afscheid te nemen, wordt op vrijdag 30 september a.s. een congres georganiseerd met als thema:
The Future of Obesity Treatment
MECC Maastricht
Parkeren op P1, Paul-Henri Spaaklaan.
Parkeren is gratis, u ontvangt na afloop van het congres bij onze balie een uitrijkaart.
10:00 uur | Ontvangst met koffie/thee en Limburgse vlaai |
11:00 uur | Opening Door: dagvoorzitter dr. E. J. Boerma, Chirurg |
11:05 uur | Obesity, what is going to happen in the future? Obesity rates are likely to climb further and the socio-economic gap in prevalence will widen in the coming decades unless drastic changes are implemented in our food system. Changing the food system requires global, regional and local changes in food production, food marketing and food consumption and needs the involvement of all relevant stakeholders Door: Prof. dr. ir. J. Seidell |
11:20 uur | Will lifestyle change work on the long term Definitieve inhoud volgt Door: Prof. L. van Rossum (Onder voorbehoud) |
11:35 uur | Understanding and Treating Obesity. The End of Average Overweight is the largest and most prevalent modifiable risk factor for health problems, and significantly contributes to healthcare costs. Researchers generally agree that overweight is multifactorially determined, including biomedical, behavioral, environmental, and psychological mechanisms. There is empirical support for each of these mechanisms, but often evidence is not consistent across studies, effect sizes are modest at best, and variability on outcome- measures across participants in a study is often large. This suggests that contributing factors to obesity likely differ across people. Similarly, treatments for obesity are, on average, only modestly effective and individual variability in weight-loss-response to treatment is large. This presentation will therefore discuss an urgently needed comprehensive individualized approach for understanding and treating obesity. Door: Prof. dr. A. Roefs |
11:50 uur | Prevention of Obesity, the younger the better? Definitieve inhoud volgt Door: Dr. A. Vreugdenhil |
12:05 uur | Medical Treatment: The future is bright We will discuss the new data on semaglutide 2.4mg and tirzepatide 15mg and how these treatments will allow us to increase the number of patients living with obesity receiving treatment. We will also discuss why the introduction of these new treatments may increase the need for bariatric surgery. Door: Prof. C. le Roux |
12:30 uur | Lunch, gelegenheid tot netwerken |
13:30 uur | Treatment of (severe) obesity will only succeed in a multidisciplenary setting, the role of Dutch Obesity Clinics Obesity is a chronic disease that has a multifactorial cause. Thus, advising patients to “eat less and move more” will not suffice as a treatment. All aspects that contribute to the disease should be accounted for when treating people with obesity and treatment should be focused on long-term improvement of weight, health and well-being. We will discuss the evidence for multidisciplinary treatment and patient’s perspective on this. Moreover, we will discuss how outcome after treatment should not only focus on weight loss. Door: Dr. V. M. Monpellier |
13:45 uur | Balloons are here to stay The Dutch Obesity Clinc (NOK) offers a wide range of treatment options for overweight and obesity. Our goal is to find the best weight loss solution for every patient. One of the treatment options is a swalloble gastric balloon. This presentation will cover our experiences with the gastric balloon, its place in our treatment selection and why we believe it is here to stay. Door: Dr. I.H. Palm-Meinders |
14:00 uur | Endoscopic gastric Plication: will it be enough? Bariatric endoscopy is growing in the last years, intragastric balloons are the gold standard but in the last hyears has being appearing different techniques of suturing and plication that brings minimal invasive procedures with longer term durability compared to the gold standard. Door: Dr. R. Turro |
14:15 uur | Is Bariatric Surgery There to stay? Bariatric surgery (or weight loss surgery) is probably an outdated term and should be replaced by “metabolic treatment”, considering that an increasing number of metabolically active medications are now in use, either as mono-treatment or in conjunction with surgical interventions Door: Prof. dr. J. Himpens |
14:30 uur | The Optimal Bariatric Procedure: does it exists? Obesity epidemic and its associated diseases continues to grow worldwide and bariatric surgical interventions are increasing in number exponentially. Nevertheless the “optimal bariatric procedure” remain to be discovered as yet. From the first Jejunoileal bypass performed by Payne and DeWind in 1969 there has been a tremendous evolution of the surgical techniques. The basic principle of the main surgical operations will be described and pro and cons of each procedure will be analyzed in details. The concept of surgical treatment of a chronic disease will be outlined. A Bariatric “suboptimal” procedure is already available. Door: Prof. L. Angrisani |
14:45 uur | Obesity Treatment in a Return on Investment Model. The discussion regarding possible cost-effectiveness in bariatric surgery in regards to the health care costs has been an issue for decades. Recent studies are very clear on this: in the first 5 years after surgery ‘’not cost-effective’’. Despite these disappointing results we are positive in setting up a study with not only healthcare-costs but also social-costs, such as absenteeism, the incapacity to work and the quality of life. With these social-costs we are hoping to add a subtle distinction. Based on available Canadian data, I will take you along in this upcoming study. Door: Drs. K. Dijkhorst |
15:00 uur | Pauze, gelegenheid tot netwerken |
15:30 uur | Obesity: Combination therapies are the future. We will discuss the value of combining the new obesity medications with surgery and why this may benefit patients before and after bariatric surgery. We will discuss the mechanism of how the medications work and why they are aligned with bariatric surgery. Door: Prof. C. le Roux |
15:50 uur | Pitches: Research is the future Korte voordrachten van lopende onderzoeken. |
16:15 uur | A surgical Lifetime of Obesity Treatment, the best is yet to come. Door: Prof. Dr. J.W.M. Greve |
16:30 uur | Dankwoord Door: W. Nijdam en dr. L. Oostenbrug |
17:00-18:00 uur | Afscheidsreceptie |
Dit congres is toegankelijk voor genodigden en geïnteresseerde in het onderwerp The Future of Obesity Treatment
Accreditatie is toegekend door:
Accreditatie Bureau Algemene Nascholing (ABAN), cluster 1, 2 – 4 punten
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