- Zuyderland
- Medewerkers
- D. Hoofwijk

dr. D. Hoofwijk
Anesthesie, Pijnbestrijding
Tel. nr polikliniek:
088 - 459 7777
Heerlen, Sittard-Geleen
The way to understanding Chronic Postsurgical Pain – From clinical and psychological predictors to incorporating genetics
Genetic polymorphisms and prediction of chronic postsurgical pain after hysterectomy
Prevalence and predictive factors of chronic postsurgical pain and poor global recovery one year after outpatient surgery.
Hoofwijk DMN, Fiddelers AAA, Peters ML, Stessel B, Kessels AG, Joosten EA, Gramke HF, Marcus MAE.
Clin J Pain, 2015 Dec;31(12):1017-25
Prevalence and predictors of quality of recovery at home after day surgery.
Stessel B, Fiddelers AAA, Joosten EA, Hoofwijk DMN, Gramke HF, Buhre WFFA.
Medicine 2015 Sep;94(39):e1553
Prevalence and predictive factors of chronic postsurgical pain and poor global recovery one year after outpatient knee arthroscopy; a prospective cohort study.
Hoofwijk DMN, Fiddelers AAA, Emans PJ, Joosten EA, Gramke HF, Marcus MAE, Buhre WFFA.
Medicine 2015 Nov; 94 (45): e2017
Genetic polymorphisms and their association with the prevalence and severity of chronic postsurgical pain: a systematic review.
Hoofwijk DMN, van Reij RR, Rutten BP, Buhre WF, Joosten EA
Br J Anaesth 2016 Dec;117(6):708-719
Prevalence and predictors of patient non-adherence to pharmacological acute pain therapy at home after day surgery: a prospective cohort study.
Stessel B, Theunissen M, Marcus MA, Joosten EA, van Kuijk SMJ, Fiddelers AAA, Peters ML, Hoofwijk DMN, Buhre WFFA, Gramke HF.
Pain Pract 2018 Feb;18(2):194-204
Severity of preoperative pain is associated with the amount of postoperative hospital-based health care costs during the first year after outpatient surgery.
Hoofwijk DMN, Fiddelers AAA, Stessel B, Gramke HF, Dirksen CD, van Kuijk SMJ, Joosten EA, Buhre WF
Genetic polymorphisms and prediction of chronic postsurgical pain 3 and 12 months after hysterectomy.
Hoofwijk DMN, van Reij RRI, Rutten BPF, Kenis G, Theunissen M, Joosten EA, Buhre WF, van den Hoogen NJ.
Chronische pijn na een lumpectomie
Hoofwijk DMN, Fiddelers AAA, Bouman EA.
Probleemgeoriënteerd denken in de pijngeneeskunde, De Tijdstroom, 2017
- Maastricht UMC+